Method code for $guest.login_notify()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg connection, last;
var msg;

(| pass(connection, last) |);
.tell(["**", "** Welcome to " + $motd.server_name(), "**"]);
.tell(["** If you are new to ColdCore, you may want to enter the Introductory", "** Tutorial by typing:", "**", "**     @tutorial", "**"]);
msg = "GUEST: " + .name() + " [" + connection.address() + "] ";
$channel_ui._broadcast('Admin, msg + .user_info("email"));

// $#Edited: 24 Jan 02 21:47 $brandon

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

Method Ancestry Override:

 -f--   92 $guest.login_notify(connection, last)
 -f--  233 $user.login_notify(connection, last)

the Cold Dark