Cold Help System: General Information: Interface: Settings

There are many configurable settings available for you to use in customizing your environment. The command @set is used to make these changes. If you type @set with no arguments it will list all of your current settings. To change a setting you simply type @set followed by the setting name, an equals sign and the new value. If the value does not conform to the setting requirements you will be notified appropriately. For example, the following will turn on the capability to receive variable termination on messages (i.e. you can recieve text prompts that are not terminated with newlines):

@set non-terminated-tell=on

There may also exist user-info settings. These define Real-Life aspects of you. They work slightly different. By default all user-info settings are private, and may not be seen by anybody else unless you include +public at the beginning of the setting, such as:

@set real-name=+public Brandon Gilespie

Read about the @set command for more information.

Clients | Format | Settings

the Cold Dark