Cold Help System: Building: Places: Environment Conditions

Environment Conditions in a room include how light or dark it is (which can effect how visible things are) and if the place is outside this also includes the weather and other atmospheric conditions.

The core place has a few common settings. To see the current settings, type ''@set YOURPLACE:'' or ''@set here:'' if you are currently in the location. Use the command @set to change settings.

Visibility and Darkness

All objects in the Virtual Environment have a visibility setting. This is a number from +10 to -10, representing the object's relative visibility. Numbers above zero are highly visible (such as a neon sign) and those below zero are less visible (such as a black key sitting on a cluttered table).

Visibility is relative to the room's Darkness rating. Darkness is rated on the same scale as Visibility. Numbers above zero increase the light in a room, where numbers below zero decrease the light in a room (to -10 being pitch-dark). The darkness rating can be changed by VR actions such as turning on a light switch or bringing a torch into the room.

When determining if an object is visible in the room, its visibility rating must be greater than or equal to the location's darkness rating.


The realm setting defines what realm the place is a part of. See the Realms section for more information.


If this is true, other builders can build from this room and any user can make it be their home with ''@set me:home=here''.


Not currently setup.


Additional settings are defined which need to be documented, such as mapping and sound propagation.

Realms | Pathways | Environment Conditions | Permissions

the Cold Dark