Cold Help System: Programming: ColdC Reference Manual: Functions: String: match_crypted()

LIST match_crypted(STRING crypted, STRING matchwith)

This function is used to match strings encrypted with the crypt() function. This function should be used instead of directly comparing the result, as it will take into account possible older encryption methods. It returns one if there is a correct match, or zero if there is not. Example:

match_crypted("$SHA1$dEqOGo3d$.lpP/K19QevbwpgSiCsGVnCnrv2", "foo")
=> 1

crypt() | explode() | lowercase() | match_begin() | match_pattern() | match_regexp() | match_template() | pad() | regexp() | strcmp() | strfmt() | strgraft() | strlen() | strsed() | strsub() | substr() | uppercase() | match_crypted() | split() | stridx()

the Cold Dark