Cold Help System: Programming: ColdC Reference Manual: Functions: String: match_begin()

INTEGER match_begin(STRING str, STRING search[, STRING sep])

This function looks for the string search at the beginning of each word in str. The word separator is given by the string sep if it is specified; otherwise, a space (" ") is used. The return value of match_begin() is 1 if search was found at the beginning of a word in string, or 0 if not. Examples:

match_begin("foo:bar:baz", "fo", ":")
=> 1
match_begin("foo bar baz", "ar")
=> 0

crypt() | explode() | lowercase() | match_begin() | match_pattern() | match_regexp() | match_template() | pad() | regexp() | strcmp() | strfmt() | strgraft() | strlen() | strsed() | strsub() | substr() | uppercase() | match_crypted() | split() | stridx()

the Cold Dark