Core Help Root: Objects: Help Node: Format Conventions: Objects

The format used in an object node will depend upon the complexity and type of object. Look at other existing object nodes for general formatting not outlined below. Don't forget to set the objects's help-node setting, ala:

@set obj:help-node=$help_obj_foof

Method Listings

When listing methods, always use a definition list (dl) with an indent of eight characters (ind=8). Specify the method reference in the definition title ({dt}), using the {method} tag. Use {var} around any arguments. The method explanation goes in the definition description ({dd}). Example:

{dl ind=8:
  {dt: .{method list.length:length}({var:list})}           
  {dd: Length of the {var:list}.}   

Method Groups

If possible, group methods by behaviour or subsystem, to reduce the overall method list size.

General | Commands | Objects

the Cold Dark