Core Help Root: Objects: Help Node: Format Conventions: Commands

Each command node has the following general look:


    Syntax: cmd args



Command Type

TYPE is one of: ADMIN, PROGRAMMER, BUILDER, or the appropriate name for the object the command is defined on. In the case of $user no command is type is defined. $player and similar objects may (in the future) also define their own type. Feature objects will as well (although they will list as SOCIAL FEATURE COMMAND for the $social feature).

Type has a CML format of:


Command Syntax

Syntax is a standard command syntax definition, using <token> to represent an argument, brackets to enclose optional arguments, and an elipse to represent any number of arguments beyond that point.

Command syntax has a CML format of:

{dfn:Syntax: {tt:@cmd \[-option\] <arg> \[<arg2> ...\]}}


The explanation is one or more paragraphs explaning the command. Always correctly use {p} vs {np} to guarantee one blank line between paragraphs.


Examples should use the general example format. Make sure to correctly use {p} or {np} as appropriate in order to guarantee one blank line between the example and any paragraphs.

General | Commands | Objects

the Cold Dark