Cold Help System: General Information: Conventions

Througout these documents certain conventions are used. If a document is explaining a command to be typed, it will begin with a greater-than sign (>), such as:

> command

If a document shows the syntax for a command a few conventions are used. First, words grouped within greater-than and less-than (<>) signs are variables and should be replaced with what you actually type. Second, words or variables within square brackets ([]) are optional. You may also see an elipse (...) inside square brackets. This simply means that it will accept multiple instances of the last word or variable. The following example shows the first variable argument is required, and more may be added:

Syntax: @command <arg1> [<arg2> ...]

If a document is explaining how ColdC code may be evaluated when interpreted, the first line is the ColdC code and the second line begins with a text arrow pointing to the right (=>) and is followed by a ColdC data value. This represents what the example would evaluate to and return. For instance, calling the function ctime() could return the value "Sun Feb 25 17:06:38 1996". The function call and resulting value would be listed using this convention as:

=> "Sun Feb 25 17:06:38 1996"

Conventions | Objects | Environment | Appearance | Security | Commands | Interaction | Interface | Enhanced Command Templates

the Cold Dark