Method code for $data_lib.unparse_indent_html()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg value;
var chunk, chunk_out, out, object_parse, obj_regexp, line, word;

obj_regexp = "\$[a-zA-Z0-9_]+";
out = [];
value = .unparse_indent(value);
value = value.mmap('html_escape);
for line in (value) {
    object_parse = line.global_regexp(obj_regexp);
    chunk_out = "";
    while (object_parse) {
        [chunk, (word ?= 0), @object_parse] = object_parse;
        chunk_out += chunk;
        if (word) {
            if ((| $object_lib.to_dbref(word) |))
                chunk_out += $page_bin_index._make_string_to_display_href(word);
                chunk_out += word;
    out += [chunk_out];
return out;

// $#Edited: 21 Aug 97 21:22 $user_bruce
// $#Edited: 21 Aug 97 21:27 $user_bruce

["// Created 07-Dec-1996 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark