Method code for $code_lib.generate_object_listing()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg objs, multi, @args;
var line, obj, col, name, fmt, out;

if (!objs) {
    out = ["** None **"];
} else {
    col = ((| sender().linelen() |) || 79) / 10;
    fmt = "%3L%" + tostr(col * 4) + "L %" + tostr(col) + "L %" + tostr(col) + "R ";
    out = [strfmt(fmt, "#", "Name", "Perms", "Size") + "Manager"];
    col = col * 4;
    for obj in (objs) {
        line = strfmt(fmt, obj.(multi)(@args).length(), obj.namef('xref), $object_lib.see_perms(obj, ["", ""]), obj.size());
        name = obj.manager().namef('xref);
        if (name.length() > col)
            name = name.pad(col);
        out += [line + name];
return out;

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark