Method code for $code_lib._do_method_href()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg method, object, options;
var mod_method, prefix, postfix, index;

prefix = "";
postfix = "";
if (method[1] != ".") {
    index = stridx(method, ".");
    prefix = method.subrange(1, index);
    method = method.subrange(index + 1);
} else {
    prefix = ".";
    method = method.subrange(2);
postfix = "(";
if (options)
    options = options.mmap('join, "=").join("&");
method = method.subrange(1, method.length() - 1);
return prefix + "<A HREF=\"/bin/method?target=" + object + "." + method + "()" + (options ? "&" + options : "") + "\">" + method + "</A>" + postfix;

// $#Edited: 04 May 97 09:49 $user_bruce
// $#Edited: 16 May 97 02:05 $brad
// $#Edited: 02 Jun 97 13:11 $user_bruce
// $#Edited: 25 Aug 97 21:25 $user_bruce

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark