Method code for $event_handler.unhook_events()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg type, @loc;
var all, event, status, source;

if (events && events.contains(type)) {
    all = events[type];
    events = events.del(type);
    loc = loc ? loc[1] : .location();
    for event in (all) {
        [event, [status, source]] = event;
        switch (source) {
            case 'location:
                (| loc.unhook_from_event(event) |);
            case 'this:
                (| .unhook_from_event(event) |);
                (| source.hook_into_event(event) |);
        all = all.add(event, [0, source]);
    events = events.add(type, all);

["// Created 16-Dec-1996 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark