Method code for $code_lib.valid_name()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg name, type;

if (!(type in ['prop, 'normal, 'uniq]))
    throw(~invarg, "Type must be one of: 'prop, 'normal or 'uniq");
if ("\" in name)
    throw(~invname, "Names cannot include backslashes.");
if (name && name[1] in ["$", "#"])
    throw(~invname, "Names cannot begin with \"$\" or \"#\".");
if (type(name) != 'string)
    throw(~type, "New name must be given as a string.");
if (type != 'prop && name.match_regexp("^(a|an|the) +"))
    throw(~bad_name, "Articles included in unique or normal name.");

// $#Edited: 06 Jun 03 12:57 $brandon

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark