Method code for $builder._ar__iview()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg pr;
var cmd, msg, args, opts;

msg = "[Return] [N]ext [P]rev [C]laim [F]ix [D]ismiss [A]ppend [M]ove";
while (1) {
    [args, opts] = (> $parse_lib.getopt(.prompt(msg)) <);
    if (!args || match_template(args[1], "x|ex?it"))
        return 0;
    [cmd, @args] = args;
    if (match_template(cmd, "n?ext"))
        return 'next;
    if (match_template(cmd, "p?revious"))
        return 'prev;
    if (match_template(cmd, "c?laim"))
        .tell(._ar__claim(args, opts, pr));
    else if (match_template(cmd, "f?ix|r?esolve"))
        .tell(._ar__fix(args, opts, pr));
    else if (match_template(cmd, "d?ismiss"))
        .tell(._ar__dismiss(args, opts, pr));
    else if (match_template(cmd, "a?ppend|cmt|com?ment"))
        .tell(._ar__comment(args, opts, pr));
    else if (match_template(cmd, "m?ove"))
        .tell(._ar__move(args, opts, pr));

// $#Edited: 27 Aug 01 13:32 $user_lynx

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark