Method code for $time.to_english()

[Turn off line numbering]
  1: arg time, @reftime;
  2: var times, words, x, ctime, mnths, month, year, days, out, lt, rrk;
  4: // most of this was stolen from MOO (und ve are evil)
  5: if (time < 1)
  6:     return "0 seconds";
  7: [(reftime ?= time())] = reftime;
  8: words = ["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"];
  9: times = [];
 10: for x in ([60, 60, 24]) {
 11:     times = [time % x, @times];
 12:     time = time / x;
 13: }
 14: mnths = 0;
 15: lt = localtime(reftime);
 16: month = lt[6];
 17: if (lt[7] < 100)
 18:     year = 1900 + lt[7];
 19: else
 20:     year = lt[7];
 21: days = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month];
 22: while (time >= days + (month == 2 && year % 4 == 0 && !(year % 400 in [100, 200, 300]))) {
 23:     refresh();
 24:     time -= days;
 25:     mnths++;
 26:     month++;
 27:     if (month > 12) {
 28:         year++;
 29:         month = 1;
 30:     }
 31: }
 32: times = [mnths / 12, mnths % 12, time, @times];
 33: out = [];
 34: for x in [1 .. 6] {
 35:     if (times[x] > 0)
 36:         out += [times[x] + " " + words[x] + (times[x] == 1 ? "" : "s")];
 37: }
 38: return out.to_english();
 40: // $#Edited: 01 Jul 97 14:04 $brandon
 41: // $#Edited: 20 Feb 98 08:19 $user_bruce

["// Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark