Method code for $scheduler.pulse()

[Turn on line numbering]
var task, sub, t;

// called by $sys.heartbeat
if (caller() != $sys)
    throw(~perm, "Sender is not system");
t = time();
while (task_queue && t > task_queue[1][2]) {
    task = task_queue[1];
    catch any
        (> task[4].as_this_run(task[4], task[6], task[8]) <);
        (| task[4].manager().tell_traceback(traceback()) |);

// call sub schedulers 
for sub in (sub_schedulers)
    (| sub.pulse() |);

// $#Edited: 30 Apr 97 17:50 $scheduler
// $#Edited: 08 Jan 98 21:24 $brian

["// Miroslav Silovic ", "// Created 05-Sep-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark