Method code for $root.get_obj_suffix()

[Turn off line numbering]
  1: arg @suffix;
  2: var objname, tmp;
  4: // Figure out the suffix from the arguments and child index.
  5: [(suffix ?= 0)] = suffix;
  6: if (suffix) {
  7:     // so they dont confuse child_index:
  8:     if (suffix.is_numeric())
  9:         throw(~perm, "You cannot specify a numeric suffix.");
 11:     // so we get correct symbols & it is always lowercase:
 12:     suffix = lowercase(strsed(suffix, "[^a-z0-9_]+", "", "g"));
 13: } else {
 14:     // get the next valid objname
 15:     objname = tostr((| .objname() |) || "unknown");
 16:     tmp = tosym(objname);
 17:     while ((| lookup(tmp) |)) {
 18:         child_index++;
 19:         tmp = tosym(objname + "_" + tostr(child_index));
 20:     }
 21:     suffix = tostr(child_index);
 22: }
 23: return suffix;

["// Created as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark