Method code for $root.change_parents()

[Turn off line numbering]
  1: arg parents;
  2: var old_a, old_p, a, obj, new_a, definer, branch, method, str;
  4: if (!parents)
  5:     throw(~noparents, "Objects must have at least 1 parent");
  7: // remember a few things
  8: old_a = setremove(ancestors(), this());
  9: old_p = .parents();
 10: branch = .descendants() + [this()];
 12: // build the new ancestors list by hand, so we can figure out what is
 13: // changing, and uninitialize those ancestors that are going away
 14: new_a = [];
 15: for obj in (parents)
 16:     new_a = union(new_a, obj.ancestors());
 18: // uninit any ancestors going away
 19: for a in (old_a.set_difference(new_a)) {
 20:     // call this ancestor's uninit on the obj and all its children
 21:     method = tosym("uninit_" + a.objname());
 22:     if ((definer = (| find_method(method) |))) {
 23:         if (definer != a) {
 24:             // scream madly and run around--everybody should know this
 25:             str = "UNINIT ERROR: uninit method for " + a;
 26:             str += " in wrong place (" + definer + ")";
 27:             (| definer.manager().tell(str) |);
 28:             (| a.manager().tell(str) |);
 29:             (| sender().tell(str) |);
 30:             continue;
 31:         }
 33:         // call the uninit method on this object only
 34:         catch any {
 35:             .(method)();
 36:         } with {
 37:             // try and let somebody know they made a boo-boo somewhere
 38:             str = "UNINIT ERROR " + obj + "<" + this() + ">:";
 39:             (| .manager().tell(str) |);
 40:             (| .manager().tell_traceback(traceback()) |);
 41:             (| sender().tell(str) |);
 42:             (| sender().tell_traceback(traceback()) |);
 43:             (| sender().tell("Continuing chparent..") |);
 44:         }
 45:     }
 47:     // cleanup any old obj vars left lying around
 48:     // if (branch)
 49:     //     $sys.clear_definer_vars(a, branch);
 50:     $sys.clear_definer_vars(a, [this()]);
 51:     refresh();
 52: }
 54: // make the change
 55: (> chparents(parents) <);
 56: if ('core in .flags())
 57:     $changelog.log("CHANGE-PARENTS: " + this() + " from " + old_p + " to " + parents() + " by ");
 58: new_a = setremove(ancestors(), this());
 60: // init anybody new to the family
 61: for a in (new_a.set_difference(old_a)) {
 62:     method = tosym("init_" + a.objname());
 63:     if ((definer = (| find_method(method) |))) {
 64:         if (definer != a) {
 65:             // scream madly and run around--everybody should know this
 66:             // (damn inlaws, can't ever get things right)
 67:             str = "INIT ERROR: init method for " + a;
 68:             str += " in wrong place (" + definer + ")";
 69:             (| definer.manager().tell(str) |);
 70:             (| a.manager().tell(str) |);
 71:             (| sender().tell(str) |);
 72:             continue;
 73:         }
 75:         // introduce the new ancestor
 76:         catch any {
 77:             .(method)();
 78:         } with {
 79:             // try and let somebody know they made a boo-boo somewhere
 80:             str = "INIT ERROR " + obj + "<" + this() + ">:";
 81:             (| .manager().tell(str) |);
 82:             (| .manager().tell_traceback(traceback()) |);
 83:             (| sender().tell(str) |);
 84:             (| sender().tell_traceback(traceback()) |);
 85:             (| sender().tell("Continuing chparent..") |);
 86:         }
 87:     }
 88:     refresh();
 89: }
 91: // $#Edited: 24 Jul 97 04:27 $brandon
 92: // $#Edited: 28 Sep 98 05:22 $brandon
 93: // $#Edited: 18 Jul 99 13:31 $brandon
 94: // $#Edited: 20 Jan 02 22:43 $brandon

["// Created as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

the Cold Dark