Method code for $command_parser.parse()

[Turn on line numbering]
arg u, str, next_parser, @other_parsers;
var l, cmd, c, p, obj, exits;

cmd = str.explode();
if (cmd) {
    cmd = [str, cmd[1], cmd.subrange(2).join() || ""];
    p = [];
    if ((c = u.match_shortcut(@cmd))) {
        if (c[1] == 'shortcut)
            return .shortcut(u, @c[2]);
        p = c[2];
    if ((c = u.match_command(@cmd))) {
        if (c[1] == 'command)
            return .local(u, @c[2]);
        p += c[2];
    l = u.location();
    if ((c = (| l.match_shortcut(@cmd) |))) {
        if (c[1] == 'shortcut)
            return .shortcut(l, @c[2]);
        p += c[2];
    if ((c = (| l.match_command(@cmd) |))) {
        if (c[1] == 'command)
            return .local(l, @c[2]);
        p += c[2];
    if ((c = $remote_cache.match_remote_command(@cmd))) {
        if (c[1] == 'remote)
            return .remote(u, @c[2]);
        p += c[2];
    if ((exits = (| u.location().exits() |) || [])) {
        catch any {
            obj = exits.match_object(str);
            return ['command, obj, 'invoke];
        } with {
            if (error() == ~ambig) {
                exits = traceback()[1][3];
                return ['error, "\"" + str + "\" can match " + exits.mmap('namef, 'ref).to_english("", " or ") + "."];
    if (p)
        return .partial(u, cmd, p);
return next_parser.parse(u, str, @other_parsers);

["// Created 31-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit"]

Method Ancestry Override:

 ----  407 $command_parser.parse(u, str, next_parser, @other_parsers)
 ----   16 $user_parsers.parse(user, str, next_parser, @other_parsers)

the Cold Dark