Core Help Root: Objects: motd

$motd is an object which controls the display which users receive upon connecting, as well as the web page which the HTTP server returns. This object allows administrators to easily change and customize this information. This can be done via the following settings:

Sets the sequence of items to be displayed on the login screen
Sets the default server name for MOTD displays
Sets the default server title for MOTD displays

$motd:login-sequence is a list of items which can be passed to $ to construct the login display. The list of valid arguments are as follows:

Displays a list of administrators
Displays the number of currently connected users
Displays the current core version
Constructs a default login display
Displays the version of the driver currently in use
Displays a help message
Displays the server's title, then its name
Displays the server name
Displays the contents of the notes variable on $motd
Displays only the server's title
Displays the server title
Displays a random quote

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