Core Help Root: Objects: Integer

Given an integer, returns the numerical ordinal form. For example, given the integer '1', the method would return the string "1st".
Given a string representing a range, returns a list of two elements representing the range in a parsed form.
Given a number, returns a string representation of that number that has had commas inserted according to the US standard.
.parse_range(x, y)
Given a lower and upper bound, returns a list of all numbers between them, including the bounds.
Given an integer, converts it to a string with no transformations performed upon it.
Helper method for .range().
.and(x, y) native
Performs a bitwise and operation upon x and y.
.or(x, y) native
Performs a bitwise or operation upon x and y.
.xor(x, y) native
Performs a bitwise xor operation upon x and y.
.shleft(x, y) native
Performs a left shift operation upon x and y.
.shright(x, y) native
Performs a right shift operation upon x and y.
.not(number) native
Performs a bitwise not operation upon number.
Given an integer, converts it to englist text form, spelling out all numbers.
.to_bytes(number[, long])
Given an integer, converts it to the number of bytes. If the optional argument long is given, then the long form of the unit name (kilobyte vs. kb) will be used.
Given an integer, converts it to the roman numeral representation.
.roman_numeral_scheme(val, x, y, z)
Helper method for .to_roman_numeral().

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