Core Help Root: Objects: Code Lib

Returns as the entire 'library' of quotes.
.add_random_quote(quote[, from])
Accepts a quote and an optional attribution from and adds it to the library of quotes.
Returns as a list of strings, a randomly selected quote.
.generate_listing(who[, args])
Helper method for the @who commands for gathering the information for the table.
.parse_name(name[, def])
Creates a random word. It can accept up to 3 args. First is the minimum length of the generated word, which defaults to 3 characters. Second is the maximum length of the generated word, defaulting to 10 characters. The third and final optional argument is a dictionary which can be used to specify additional consonants, vowels, and rare letters.
Creates a random word suitable for use as a password.
Given a string, str, determines a verb to use when 'saying' that string based on the punctuation at the end of the string.
.verify_code(code, method, warn)
Checks over code, looking for particular common errors.
.generate_object_listing(objs, multi[, args])
.point_to_line(err, left, right, lineno, line)
.generate_debug_listing(info, mode)
Verifies whether or not the given string, str, is a valid id for a message.
Verifies whether or not the given string, str, is a valid id for a setting.
.code_to_html(code[, object])
Converts a code listing to HTML.
._do_method_href(method[, object])
Helper method for .code_to_html() for generating the HTML.

Colors | Trie | List Library | has_text | mutex | Heap | Weather System | Math Library | Integer | Data Lib | Object Lib | Help Node | Code Lib | Generic Map | Scrabble | World Time | Time | Robot | Native Function Reference | Complex Number Library | Bytecode Docs | motd | Mail List | Float | Collective | libraries | social_ui

the Cold Dark