Core Help Root: Subsystems: Messages: ColdC Interface

The message subsystem is contained on the $foundation object. It uses two object variables:

,msgs Local instances of a defined message
,defined_msgs Defined messages and attributes

And the following methods:

Returns the defined_msgs variable from the current object.
Returns all messages defined by the current object and all ancestors up to $foundation.
Returns any local messages instances.
Returns all messages and instances, local or default.
Define a new message.
Undefine a message (will clear any instances).
.get_msg(name, definer)
Get all branches (local or default) of the message.
.set_msg(name, branch, definer, value)
Set the value of a branch of a message.
.clear_msg(name, [branches])
Clear the local instance and branches of a message. If no branches are defined all branches are cleared.
.get_msg_attr(name, attr)
Get the specified attribute for a message.
.set_msg_attr(name, attr, value)
Set the specified attribute for a message.
Determine the definer for a message.
Get the default branches for a message.
.eval_message(name, definer, vars)
Evaluate a message

@def-msg | ColdC Interface | @msg | Message Propagation

the Cold Dark