Core Help Root: Objects: List Library: Sets

.setadd(list, elt) native
Adds an element to the list unless it's already contained in the list.
.setremove(list, elt) native
Removes the first occurence of the element from the list.
.union(list1,list2) native
Union of the two lists. Use big_list.fold($list,'union) to get a union of the family of lists.
.set_difference(list, l1, ...)
Removes the elements from l1, l2 etc from the list.
.intersection(l1, l2)
Returns the elements that occur on both lists. Use $list.fold() for more lists.
.set_contains(l1, l2, ...)
Returns 1 if the first argument contains all the others.
.set_equal(l1, l2)
Returns 1 if the lists are equal as sets (that is, if l1 is contained in l2 and if l2 is contained in l1).

Element | Formatting | Maps | Sets | Other

the Cold Dark