Cold Help System: Programming: ColdC Reference Manual: Functions: System: config()

ANY config(SYMBOL what[, ANY value])

This administrative function is used to change run-time values for the driver and execution states. Current Genesis only partially implements this function--it recognizes the changes but does not fully comply with them. The value is specified with the argument what. If no second argument is given the current value is returned. If a second argument is given, the value is set to that value, if appropriate--if the new value is inappropriate the error ~type is thrown. Values are:

'datasize Maximum Data Size (in bytes)
'forkdepth Maximum fork depth
'calldepth Maximum call depth
'recursion Maximum Swapping
'objswap Object Swapping

backup() | set_heartbeat() | shutdown() | anticipate_assignment() | config() | cache_info()

the Cold Dark