Cold Help System: Building: CML: Formatters

The standard formatter tags are loosely based on HTML 3.0:

action One flag of cmd, which is run if the action is triggered (either by clicking on it, or using the action-trigger command '>'.
b Bold or strong.
br Line Break. Differs from {p} in that it can be stacked multiple times, for multiple breaks. Use of {p} is preferred.
dd Dictionary Definition, must be an argument to a Dictionary List (dl).
detail Generate a description detail. One required option of name which is unique to this detail througout the entire description. Details may be nested.
dfn Definition. Used to indent a block of text. Arguments can be ind, which is an integer representing the spaces to indent (in plaintext this defaults to eight); and nobound, which effects the line breaks after the definition.
dl Dictionary list. Arguments can contain tags dt (dictionary title) and dd (dictionary definition).
dt Dictionary Title, must be an argument to a Dictionary List (dl)
i Italics or Emphasis.
img Place image in description. Image is only visible in HTML formats.
lh List Header, must be an argument for ol or ul.
li List Element, must be an argument for ol or ul.
link Creates a hypertext link to the help node (as an objname) specified with the option node.
np New Paragraph, similar to {p}, but in plaintext it breaks with two lines rather than one.
ol Ordered list. Within arguments use tags lh (list header) and li (list element).
p Paragraph Break, similar to {np}, but in plaintext it only breaks with one line.
subj Rougly equivalent to HTML's header <h?> tags. Argument level specifies which level of subject to use (1-4) and defaults to a value of 4.
table Similar to tables in HTML. Options are ind (how many spaces to indent the table before formatting) and cols (column definition). cols must be defined. It is a comma seperated list of column specs, which can either be in specific character units or percentages (the whole list must be either one or the other). Arguments consist of tr (table row) tags.
td Table Cell, options include colspan and rowspan which can be used to span columns and rows with the Table Cell.
tr Table Row, arguments consist of td tags for each table cell in the row.
tt Fixed-width font (typewriter), also used for literal text.
ul Unordered list. Within arguments use tags lh (list header) and li (list element).
web Creates a www hypertext link. This tag requires src and name options. The src should have a valid URL as the value and the name should have the name of the URL to be displayed.

Formatters | Generators | Customizing Ctext

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