Core Help Root: Commands: @who

Syntax: @who [<options>] [<users>]

This command in it's default form lists all users currently connected to the system. The @who listing can be used to show information about various groups of users depending on what usernames and options are given.

Users should be specified separated by commas (optionally, with "and" before the last one, as in english).


--- Connected Users (1) ---
Name      On for  Location
----      ------  --------
Vampire   2 days  Solar System (NASA, Space Wing)


>@who vampire, scott, and brad
--- Users (3) ---
Name     On for   Idle    Location
----     ------   ----    --------
Vampire  10 days          Nowhere (<Creation>)
Brad     3 days   22 hrs  the Courtyard (Caislea'n, Taobh Thiar)
Scott    5 hrs    2 hrs   the Courtyard (Caislea'n, Taobh Thiar)

Options can be:

+admin List all connected admins.
+prog List all connected programmers.
+all List all users in the specified group (admins or programmers), connected or not.
+short Display @who listing in short form.
+sort=<type> Sort the users listed according to <type>:
How long they've been idle
How long they've been connected
Alphabetically by name
Grouped by location
(same as location)
-sort=<type> Same as +sort, but sort in descending order.

the Cold Dark