Core Help Root: Commands: @status

Syntax: @status [+cache]

Displays technical information about the driver and core. The available driver information may vary, depending upon what the operating system provides.


--- the Cold Dark status report ---
System is:        clean, will skip backup.
System lag:       0.0
Next dbref:       #47968
Driver:           Cold Genesis 1.1p0-STABLE
Core:             ColdCore 3.0a9.02
Started:          2 days, 4 hours, 49 minutes and 3 seconds ago
Backup:     last: 20 minutes ago
            next: 40 minutes from now
        interval: 1 hour
CPU time used:    user: 3 minutes, 52 seconds and 399 milliseconds
                  system: 49 seconds and 478 milliseconds
Page:             57742 reclaims 807 faults
Context switches: 114616 voluntary 8071 involuntary
Signals:          53

In addition, administrators may specify the option +cache to receive a visual map of the object cache in memory. An example of what it may look like is:

Cache Size: 61x10
Cache Map (Horizontal):
 +--------------------------- WIDTH ---------------------------
 |................... ............. ..........  ......... .....
 |.... ....I... .....  ...........  ..........  ......... .....
 |...   ....... .....      ... ...  I.........   .......   ....
 |.      ...  . ..  .           .   ..            .. .     ....

If the width of the cache is too wide to fit the screen, it will be displayed vertically instead of horizontally. In the map the character 'a' represents an active object. If it is capitalized it represents an active dirty object. If it is a capital 'I' it represents an inactive dirty object. Periods represent inactive clean objects which will not have to be written to disk. Keep in mind that an active object is only in reference to those used in the current task--that being the task which is displaying the cache map.

the Cold Dark