Core Help Root: Commands: @move


Syntax: @move|@mv <objref> to <location>


Syntax: @move|@mv <objref>.<method1> to <objref>.<method2> [options]
Syntax: @copy|@cp <objref>.<method1> to <objref>.<method2> [options]

If you are a builder, @move will transport <objref> to <location>, assuming you pass all the permission checks. You can not, however, move a user into an object, although you can move an object into a user.

For programmers, @move moves <method1> to <method2> removing <method1> from it's original location. @copy copies <method1> to <method2> without removing <method1> from it's original location.


>@move Help TODO to $courtyard
Help TODO suddenly disappears.
You move Help TODO from The Pit to the Courtyard.

>@move $vampire.pulse to $vampire.old_pulse
You move $vampire.pulse() to $vampire.old_pulse().

>@copy $vampire.smurf_cmd to $vampire.tmp_smurf_cmd
You copy $vampire.smurf_cmd() to $vampire.tmp_smurf_cmd().

Options can be:
+c?omment Sets the comment for the copy or move.

the Cold Dark