Core Help Root: Commands: @examine

Syntax: @ex?amine [+c?hop]

Displays an overview of information about the object, such as the name, manager, parents, location, and description.


>@examine Vampire
Object (@rename):    Vampire ($vampire)
Templates (@ant):    none
Created:             Mon Jan 13 18:19:17 1997
Quota:               75,000 bytes
Size:                6,710 bytes (on disk)
Perms (@chmod):
Manager (@chmanage): Vampire ($vampire)
Writers (@aw/@dw):   (none)
Trusted (@at/@dt):   (none)
Parents (@ap/@dp):   $admin and $antisocial
Location (@move):    $the_pit (The Pit)
Description (@describe):
An insane, poorly spelling creature.
+c?hop Chops lines longer than the players cols setting.

the Cold Dark