Core Help Root: Commands: @edit

Syntax: @edit
Syntax: @edit <prose> [+t?ype]
Syntax: @edit <method> [+t?ype]

In the first case @edit will report if you have any editor sessions running in the background. To end these editor sessions, you can either resume them and exit properly from them, or you can kill them with @cleanup-sessions.

In the second case, users can use @edit to change descriptions (prose) of things. Such as in the example below.

As a programmer, additional functionality is provided, that allows you to edit methods with this command.

Without [+t?ype], a reasonable default is chosen. The [+t?ype] option takes the following possible inputs:

help Edits the help text on an object (such as a help node).
messages Edits the messages on the object. See also: @msg
prose Edits the objects description.
text Edits the text the object contains (such as in a $note).


>@edit me
Editor invoked with Vampire/prose.
Type 'help' to list available commands.
  =>1: Some silly description
    2: An insane, poorly spelling
    3: creature.

See also: Editor subsystem

the Cold Dark