Cold Help System: Administration: Admin Commands

Administrative Commands Listing

The following commands are available for administrators:

@adjust Promotes a user to builder, programmer, or admin.
@core Makes the object a core object.
@kick "Kicks" a user off the server.
@new-password Makes a new password for a user.
@quota Changes a users quota.
@rehash-all Updates ALL command caches in memory.
@task?s Shows Database and Driver tasks (processes).
@backup Starts the database backup process.
@kill Kills a task.
@mojo Turns on or off mojo. (full system priveledges)
@reap Used to show players who have not logged on for a specified amount of time. (default 3 months)
@shutdown Shutsdown the game. Can be time delayed.

Admin Commands | Traceback Recording

the Cold Dark