$smtp_interface (smtp_interface)

Perms:+variables +methods +code +core
Size:3,908 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$smtp_interface (smtp_interface)
Parents:$connection_interface, $has_name (a named object)
Credit:Created 28-Nov-1996 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

[List Methods] [Hide Variables]


$root variables:
  manager: $smtp_interface
  quota_exempt: 1
  flags: ['variables, 'methods, 'code, 'core]
  created_on: 849172060
  inited: 1
  child_index: 925
  managed: [$smtp_interface, $smtp_interface_925]
  trusted_by: [$no_one]
  writes: [$smtp_connection_928]
$has_commands variables:
  shortcuts: #[]
  remote: #[]
  local: #[]
$smtp_interface variables:
  mail_from: ""
  cmds: #[["HELP", 'help_cmd],
          ["QUIT", 'quit_cmd],
          ["VRFY", 'verify_cmd],
          ["EXPN", 'verify_cmd],
          ["HELO", 'hello_cmd],
          ["MAIL", 'mail_from_cmd],
          ["NOOP", 'noop_cmd],
          ["RCPT", 'recipient_cmd],
          ["DATA", 'data_cmd]]
  cmd_help: #[[ "HELP",
                [ "HELP [<topic>]",
                  "    For more help on any command type 'help <cmd>'"]],
              ["QUIT", ["QUIT", "    Ends your mail session"]],
              ["EXPN", ["EXPN <recipient>", "   Expand an address."]],
              ["VRFY", ["VRFY <recipient>", "   Verify an address."]],
              ["HELO", ["HELO <hostname>", "   Introduce yourself."]],
              [ "MAIL",
                ["MAIL FROM: <sender>", "   Specify sender/return path."]],
              ["NOOP", ["NOOP", "   Do nothing"]],
              [ "RCPT",
                [ "RCPT TO:<recipient>",
                  "   Specifies the recipient.  Can be used any number of times."]],
              [ "DATA",
                [ "DATA",
                  "   Following data is collected as the message",
                  "   End with a single dot"]]]
  given_hostname: ""
  mail_to: []
  mail_body: []
  mail_status: 'idle
  read_header: 0
  header: []
$has_name variables:
  name: ['prop, "smtp_interface", "smtp_interface"]
$command_cache variables:
  shortcuts: []
  commands: #[]

the Cold Dark