$robot (the Robot)

Perms:+methods +code +variables +core +fertile +general_cache
Size:8,095 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$robot (the Robot)
Parents:$body (the Generic Body), $has_reactions
Location:$nowhere (Nowhere)
Associated Help:$help_obj_robot
Credit:Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

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Public methods:
 ----  277 .activate_reaction(id)
 ----   61 .activate_reaction_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, int, prep, this)
 ----    4 .active()
 ----   91 .add_reaction(@args)
 ----  537 .add_reaction_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, args, prep1, hook, prep2, me)
 ----   11 .connected()
 ----   42 .connected_time(@args)
 ----   70 .deactivate_reaction(id)
 ----   49 .deactivate_reaction_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, int, prep, this)
 ----   45 .del_reaction(id)
 ----   42 .del_reaction_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, id, @args)
 ----   54 .event_notify(event, origin, @args)
 ----    5 .idle_seconds()
 ----    4 .idle_time(@args)
 ----   42 .match_type(type)
 ----  111 .parse_line(line)
 ----    4 .reactions()
 ----  180 .reactions_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, this)
 ----   22 .startup()
 ----   98 .tell(what, @who)
 ----    1 .tell_traceback(@args)
 ----  387 .update_reaction(id, part, value)
Protected methods:
 ----  186 .check_reactions(type, str, sender)
 -f--   98 .do_reaction(str, match, id, sender)
 ----    9 .react_command(str, match, sender, cmd)
 ----   50 .react_subcmd(str, match, sender, cmd)
 ----   46 .remove_active(key, id)
 ----   21 .update_active(key, id, value)
Private methods:
 ----  116 .check_reaction_args(method, template, type, chance, times, hook, min, max)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_chance(chance)
 ----   33 .check_reaction_hook(hook)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_hook_args(args)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_hook_method(method)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_matchwith(method)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_max(max)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_min(min)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_template(template)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_times(times)
 ----   17 .check_reaction_type(type)

the Cold Dark