$robot (the Robot)

Perms:+methods +code +variables +core +fertile +general_cache
Size:8,095 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$robot (the Robot)
Parents:$body (the Generic Body), $has_reactions
Location:$nowhere (Nowhere)
Associated Help:$help_obj_robot
Credit:Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

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$root variables:
  child_index: 106
  inited: 1
  created_on: 796268969
  flags: ['methods, 'code, 'variables, 'core, 'fertile, 'general_cache]
  manager: $robot
  managed: [$robot]
$has_name variables:
  name: ['uniq, "Robot", "the Robot"]
$described variables:
  prose: <$ctext_frob,[["A generic automated robot object."], #[['this, $robot]]]>
$located variables:
  location: $nowhere
  obvious: 1
$body variables:
  body_parts: #[]
$location variables:
  contents: []
$command_cache variables:
  modules: []
  commands: 0
  shortcuts: 0
$robot variables:
  last_id: 1
  reactions: #[]
  active: 0
  match_types: #[["regexp", ['regexp, "rex"]],
                 ["pattern", ['match_pattern, "pat"]],
                 ["template", ['match_template, "tmp"]]]
  active_ids: 0
$has_commands variables:
  remote: #[[ "@reactions",
              [ [ "@reactions",
                  "@reactions <this>",
                  #[[1, ['this, []]]]]]],
            [ "@del-r?eaction",
              [ [ "@del-r?eaction",
                  "* from|on *",
                  "@del-r?eaction <number> from|on <this>",
                  #[[1, ['number, []]], [3, ['this, []]]]]]],
            [ "@add-r?eaction",
              [ [ "@add-r?eaction",
                  "* to * on *",
                  "@add-r?eaction <any> to <any> on <this>",
                  #[[1, ['any, []]], [3, ['any, []]], [5, ['this, []]]]]]],
            [ "@deactivate-r?eaction|@dr",
              [ [ "@deactivate-r?eaction|@dr",
                  "* on *",
                  "@deactivate-r?eaction|@dr <number> on <this>",
                  #[[1, ['number, []]], [3, ['this, []]]]]]],
            [ "@activate-r?eaction|@ar",
              [ [ "@activate-r?eaction|@ar",
                  "* on *",
                  "@activate-r?eaction|@ar <number> on <this>",
                  #[[1, ['number, []]], [3, ['this, []]]]]]]]
$thing variables:
  gender: $gender_neuter

the Cold Dark