$realm (the Realm)

Perms:+methods +code +variables +core +fertile
Size:4,495 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$realm (the Realm)
Parents:$realm_settings, $event_handler, $has_name (a named object)
Associated Help:$help_places_realms
Credit:Miroslav Silovic
Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

[List Methods] [Hide Variables]


$root variables:
  inited: 1
  created_on: 796268969
  flags: ['methods, 'code, 'variables, 'core, 'fertile]
  manager: $realm
  managed: [$realm]
  trusted_by: [$world]
  defined_settings: #[[ "weather-time",
                        #[['get, ['get_realm_setting]],
                          ['parse, ['parse_weather_time]],
                          ['format, ['format_weather_time]]]],
                      [ "housekeeper-delay",
                        #[['parse, ['parse_setting_delay]],
                          ['format, ['format_setting_delay]]]],
                      [ "housekeeper-notify",
                        #[['parse, ['is_boolean]], ['format, ['format_boolean]]]]]
  settings: #[[ "weather-time",
                [$weather_nice, "spring", $climate_creation, 0, $world_time, 0]],
              ["propagate", 1],
              ["housekeeper-delay", 300],
              ["housekeeper-notify", 1]]
  child_index: 22
  credit: "Miroslav Silovic <silovic@zesoi.fer.hr>"
$has_name variables:
  name: ['uniq, "Realm", "the Realm"]
$realm variables:
  local: []
  links: #[]
  last_daytime: 0
$foundation variables:
  defined_msgs: #[["night", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["predawn", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["dawn", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["morning", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["noon", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["afternoon", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["sunset", #[['branches, ["general"]]]],
                  ["evening", #[['branches, ["general"]]]]]
  msgs: #[[ "afternoon",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sun descends toward the horizon."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "dawn",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The first rays of sun announce the new day."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "evening",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sky darkens as sunlight fades."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "morning",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[ [ "The temperature begins to rise as the morning sun lifts above the horizon."],
          [ "night",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sky darkens to night."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "noon",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sun peaks in the sky."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "predawn",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sky to the east brightens."], #[]]>]]],
          [ "sunset",
            #[[ "general",
                <$ctext_frob,[["The sun slowly dips beneath the horizon."], #[]]>]]]]

the Cold Dark