
Perms:+variables +methods +code +core
Size:4,624 bytes (on disk)
Associated Help:$help_obj_math
Credit:Various Contributors, including: Miroslav Silovic, Bruce Mitchner, Nolan, Sean R. Lynch, Technobunny
Created 19-Oct-1996 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

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Public methods:
 ---n    1 .add()
 ---n    1 .cross()
 ----   33 .cylindrical_rectangular(coords)
 ----    7 .deg_rad(angle)
 ---n    1 .distance()
 ---n    1 .dot()
 ----  126 .histogram(list, bucketsize)
 ----   35 .ident_mat(n)
 ---n    1 .is_lower()
 ---n    1 .major()
 ----   30 .matrix_add(m1, m2)
 ----   41 .matrix_mul(m1, m2)
 ----   21 .matrix_scale(s, m)
 ----   30 .matrix_sub(m1, m2)
 ---n    1 .minor()
 ----   76 .newton(estimate, function)
 ----  116 .physical_gravitation(distance, mass1, mass2)
 ----    4 .pi()
 ----    4 .pi2()
 ----   28 .polar_rectangular(coords)
 ----   95 .poly_add(val1, val2)
 ----   46 .poly_differentiate(poly)
 ----   43 .poly_eval(poly, x)
 ----   97 .poly_mult(val1, val2)
 ----   75 .poly_print(val)
 ----    7 .rad_deg(angle)
 ----   56 .rectangular_cylindrical(coords)
 ----   43 .rectangular_polar(coords)
 ----   67 .rectangular_spherical(coords)
 ----   43 .rotation_mat_2d(angle)
 ----  307 .rotation_mat_3d(axis, angle)
 ----  175 .runge(x, y, h, f, data)
 ---n    1 .scale()
 ----   94 .scale_mat(scale)
 ----   47 .skew(v)
 ----   58 .spherical_rectangular(coords)
 ---n    1 .sub()
 ----   27 .tensor(v1, v2)
 ----   74 .transform_vect(m, v)
 ----   39 .translation_mat(vector)
 ---n    1 .transpose()

the Cold Dark