$mail_list (the mail_list)

Perms:+methods +code +core +variables +fertile
Size:4,000 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$mail_list (the mail_list)
Parents:$mail_root, $has_name (a named object)
Associated Help:$help_obj_mail_list
Credit:Created 26-Mar-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

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Root methods:
 ----   79 .core_mail_list()
 ----   67 .init_mail_list()
 ----   73 .uninit_mail_list()
Public methods:
 ----   54 .add_mail()
 ----   75 .add_sender_to_notification()
 ----  152 .del_mail(old_mail, @reason)
 ----   64 .del_sender_from_notification()
 ----   31 .fmt_maillist_setting(data)
 ----   45 .get_maillist_setting(name, definer)
 ----    4 .last_received_on()
 ----   19 .list_is_inet()
 ----   30 .list_is_readable_by(who)
 ----   30 .list_is_sendable_by(who)
 ----    8 .mail()
 ----   34 .mail_list_next(cur)
 ----   34 .mail_list_prev(cur)
 ----    9 .mail_name()
 ----   17 .notify()
 ----   25 .notify_bad_mail(badmail)
 ----   21 .parse_inet_list_setting(value, @args)
 ----  164 .parse_maillist_setting(value)
 ----   81 .recent_mail(@diff)
 ----   17 .senders()
 ----   58 .set_name(new_name, @args)
 ----   44 .set_notify(new_value)
 ----   44 .set_senders(new_value)
 ----   38 .start()
Protected methods:
 ----   65 ._announce_new_mail(new_mail)
 ----  105 .set_maillist_setting(name, definer, value)

the Cold Dark