$located_capacity (the Generic Located Location with Capacity)

Perms:+variables +methods +code
Size:3,365 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$user_stephen (Stephen)
Parents:$location_capacity (a Generic Location with Capacity), $thing (a thing), $has_bulk
Location:$void (the Void)

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$root variables:
  manager: $user_stephen
  child_index: 1
  flags: ['variables, 'methods, 'code]
  created_on: 938714814
  inited: 1
$has_commands variables:
  shortcuts: #[]
  remote: #[]
  local: #[]
$has_name variables:
  name: [ 'uniq,
          "Generic Located Location with Capacity",
          "the Generic Located Location with Capacity"]
$described variables:
  prose: []
$located variables:
  location: $void
  obvious: 1
$thing variables:
  gender: $gender_neuter
$location variables:
  contents: []
$command_cache variables:
  commands: #[]
  shortcuts: []

the Cold Dark