$hollow_tree (Hollow Tree)

Perms:+methods +code +variables
Size:666 bytes (on disk)
Manager:$miro (Miro)
Parents:$place (the place), $realm_settings

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$root variables:
  manager: $miro
  created_on: 806649122
  inited: 1
  flags: ['methods, 'code, 'variables]
  settings: #[["propagate", <$propagator,[#[['any, 0]]]>]]
$has_commands variables:
  shortcuts: #[]
$place variables:
  entrances: [$exit_26]
  exits: [$exit_25]
  realm: $realm_of_taobh_thiar
$command_cache variables:
  commands: #[]
  modules: []
  shortcuts: []
$has_name variables:
  name: ['prop, "Hollow Tree", "Hollow Tree"]
$described variables:
  prose: <$ctext_frob,[ [ "This is a large oak, and ancient, its branches almost bare of green. The wood has seen a history, it's bark black and spent. A large hole gapes at one side, and slightly above it, a chimney is mounted. The whole setup seems a bit unsafe, but the owner that stands before it seems to have lived here for some time. It's a ",
             <$generator,["weather", [], [], 'gen_weather]>,
             " ",
             <$generator,["season", [], [], 'gen_season]>,
             " ",
             <$generator,["light", [], [], 'gen_light]>,
           #[['this, $hollow_tree]]]>
$location variables:
  contents: []
$event_handler variables:
  hooks: #[['movement, []]]

the Cold Dark