
Perms:+methods +code +core +variables
Size:3,724 bytes (on disk)
Associated Help:$help_func_connection
Credit:Created 21-Aug-1995 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

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Root methods:
 ----   38 .init_connection()
 ----   73 .uninit_connection()
Driver methods:
 ----    7 .disconnect()
 ----   76 .parse(incoming)
Public methods:
 ----   30 .abort_reading_block()
 ----    4 .active()
 ----    4 .active_since()
 ----   54 .address(@nolookup)
 ----   52 .change_connection_interface(old, new)
 ----   80 .change_interface(new)
 ----   28 .close()
 ----   20 .cwritef(fname)
 ----   45 .daemon_shutdown()
 ----   42 .finish_reading_block()
 ----   22 .interface()
 ----   43 .interface_going_away()
 ----   10 .is_reading_block()
 ----   84 .new_connection()
 ----   17 .new_interface(obj)
 ----   17 .parse_interface(value, @args)
 ----   17 .set_daemon(obj)
 ----   17 .set_remote_port(port)
 ----   34 .set_timeout(seconds)
 ----   60 .start(remote, local, rport, lport)
 ----   44 .start_reading_block(count)
 ----    4 .timeout()
 ----   91 .write(what, @how)
 ----   51 .write_buffer(buffer)
 ----   56 .write_string(string)
 ----   56 .write_strings(strings)
Protected methods:
 ----   31 .do_timeout()
 ----   13 .get_ident()
 ----    4 .get_interface(@args)
 ----   11 .open_connection(host, port)
 ----   57 .parse_line(line)
 ----   55 .rehash_read_status()
 ----    6 .set_active(value)
 ----    6 .set_interface(name, definer, value, @args)
Private methods:
 -f--   36 .push_buffered()

the Cold Dark