
Perms:+variables +methods +code +core
Size:2,460 bytes (on disk)
Parents:$has_commands, $weather_system
Associated Help:$help_sys_climate
Credit:Miroslav Silovic
Created 12-Aug-1996 as a part of ColdCore, see: @help Credit

[Hide Methods] [Hide Variables]


Root methods:
 ----   18 .init_climate()
Public methods:
 ----  151 ._probabilities(from, season, fuzz)
 ----   76 .add_weather_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, this, p1, weather, p2, probs)
 ----  171 .advance(current, season, dependancies)
 ----   45 .ctext_variables(current, season)
 ----   10 .daylength(season)
 ----   47 .del_weather_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, this, p1, weather)
 ----   78 .match_weather(weather_str)
 ----    6 .realm()
 ----   57 .setup_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, this, p, vals, p, dls)
 ----  116 .show_cmd(cmdstr, cmd, this)


$root variables:
  manager: $climate
  child_index: 5
  flags: ['variables, 'methods, 'code, 'core]
  created_on: 839895133
  inited: 1
  managed: [$climate]
  credit: "Miroslav Silovic <silovic@zesoi.fer.hr>"
$has_commands variables:
  shortcuts: #[]
  remote: #[[ "@list-climate",
              [ [ "@list-climate",
                  "@list-climate <this>",
                  #[[1, ['this, []]]]]]],
            [ "@setup",
              [ [ "@setup",
                  "* seasons * daylengths *",
                  "@setup <this> seasons <any> daylengths <any>",
                  #[[1, ['this, []]], [3, ['any, []]], [5, ['any, []]]]]]],
            [ "@add-weather",
              [ [ "@add-weather",
                  "* type * prob?abilities *",
                  "@add-weather <this> type <descendant of $weather> prob?abilities <any>",
                  #[[1, ['this, []]],
                    [3, ['descendant, [$weather]]],
                    [5, ['any, []]]]]]],
            [ "@del-weather",
              [ [ "@del-weather",
                  "* type *",
                  "@del-weather <this> type <descendant of $weather>",
                  #[[1, ['this, []]], [3, ['descendant, [$weather]]]]]]]]
  local: #[]
$climate variables:
  seasons: []
  weathers: #[]
  daylengths: []
  realm: $realm_of_creation

the Cold Dark