
Perms:+variables +methods +code
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$root variables:
  manager: $action_request
  flags: ['variables, 'methods, 'code]
  created_on: 909630951
  inited: 1
$action_request variables:
  id: 110
  group: $command_problems
  summary: "@send doesn't invoke MCP editor"
  text: [ "When using @send to mail someone you don't get to use the MCP editor...  IE the editor @set local-editor",
          "It works for @reply though so I dont know what is up, just thought it was really really odd."]
  submitted_by: $user_apocolypse
  submitted_on: 909630951
  submit_location: $courtyard
  comments: [ [ 910213646,
                "Nolan ($nolan)",
                [ "It doesn't? I seem to recall it working.",
                  "Can anyone else reproduce this? I'll try in a few seconds just to make sure it works, and if no one else can reproduce this, I'll dismiss it."]],
              [ 932269813,
                "Brandon ($brandon)",
                ["I cannot reproduce any problems."]]]
  resolved_on: 932269813
  resolved_by: $brandon

the Cold Dark