Remote Communication

When you would like to talk with someone who is logged into the Cold Dark, but isn't in your location, you can page them. The '@page' command will send your message only to the person (or people) you specify. You use this command by paging one or more people, with a message, such as:

@page me with This is my first page.

The with preposition is important, and is not a part of the message you are actually paging. This exists to help the server distinguish where the list of recipients ends, and your message begins. Since this page was directed only at you, it should have looked something like:

[from Remote Communication] No One says, "This is my first page."
[to No One] No One says, "This is my first page."

As you see, a page announces to its recipient who sent the message and where the sender is, and you also see a line showing what you sent.

For more information on the various features and shortcuts of paging, See @page.

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the Cold Dark